Lubaina Himid
This catalogue was produced by Tate Publishing in close collaboration with Himid and covering areas of her work hitherto unexplored. The traditional, artist-monograph format, here, instead serves as a useful manual for readers. ‘How to paint on things’, ‘How to write in code’, ‘How to do magic’, ‘How to be funny’ and ‘How to make a life plan using poetry’ are amongst topics that address key artistic interests of Himid’s career. Explorations of the history of painting, political satire, poetry and the spoken word, architecture, textiles and the tacit messages extracted from pattern are running themes that thread through the publication. A selection of the poetry that has influenced the artist throughout her career, new text from the artist herself and contributions from authors of a varied expertise offer perspectives that set Himid’s work and artistic interests into wider contexts.
Lubaina Himid
Publisher: Tate Publishing, 2021
Texts: Amrita Dhallu, Christine Eyene, Lubaina Himid, Lisa Merrill, Griselda Pollock, Magda Stawarska-Beavan and Carol Tulloch
Editor: Michael Wellen
24.2 x 21 x 2.3 cm, 176 pages, hardcover
ISBN: 9781849767484
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